Вода для України (Water for Ukraine)
Усі кошти спрямовуються на постачання питної води постраждалим в Україні та зокрема в ХЕРСОН
If you are abroad and want to help the Ukrainians withstand the fight for the future of the world, you can pay for the delivery of drinking water. We are a producer of drinking water which in conditions of war, directly in Kharkov delivers drinking water to places of safe stay of people. At your request, we provide a photo report on targeted assistance.
If you are abroad and want to help the Ukrainians withstand the fight for the future of the world, you can pay for the delivery of drinking water. We are a producer of drinking water which in conditions of war, directly in Kharkov delivers drinking water to places of safe stay of people. At your request, we provide a photo report on targeted assistance.
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